Far Out May Be New Zealand Style, but Our Ice Cream is a Boston Staple

Far Out May Be New Zealand Style, but Our Ice Cream is a Boston Staple

Did you know that Far Out Ice Cream sources our creamy, delicious dairy (and non-dairy) bases from right here in Massachusetts?

That's right. We get our ice cream delivered to us straight from The Maple Valley Creamery, located in Hadley, MA, just west of Boston. 

The Maple Valley Creamery was founded by award winning farmers who believe that quality ice cream should be made with fresh milk and cream from local cows raised in open spaces. The ice cream is egg and egg emulsifier free with a higher cream content. This results in a naturally less dense product with a rich, creamy texture. It is a highly premium product that is PERFECT for Far Out's New Zealand Style Ice Cream.

Order online now... We hope you love it!